7 Best Heated Mugs for Hot Drinks

Regular Mug vs. Travel Mug

The best place to start when shopping for a heated mug is asking yourself what your normal drinking habits are. Do you drink your coffee or tea at home? Do you drink it in a travel mug when on the way to work or while at work? This will not only help decide on what type of heated mug to get but also how much you want to spend.

Self-Heating Mug vs. Warming Plate

Next, think about the method by which your mug is heated. You can go with a self-heated mug design, which allows you to move about freely and still have a consistently hot beverage; or you can go with a warming plate design, which will only heat your beverage when set down on the plate but is usually much cheaper than a self-heated mug.

Lid and Capacity

Last to consider is if the mug comes with a lid and how much it holds. A lid is important because it can greatly help trap heat, thus resulting in less battery power needed to keep your beverage at the set temperature. A lid is also nice to have if you ever want to take your mug with you somewhere, like outside on your porch or on the way to the grocery store.

Capacity is obviously important, but the one note we will add when looking at heated mugs is to pay close attention to the listed ounces. Some smart heated mugs might look cheaper than expected, but in reality, it’s easy to get tripped up and look at a mug that’s 10-ounces, as opposed to 14-ounces.

This article was originally posted here.

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