Punching Bags for Every Home Gym

Punching bags, similar to other home gym equipment categories with a flood of options, can be overwhelming to shop for. A long-lasting, durable bag is essential for anyone who wants to improve their strength, endurance, and technique in boxing, martial arts, or other combat sports. But it’s hard to know which options are worth the investment.

So, whether you’re new to boxing or a seasoned vet, let’s dive in.

Training goals: Before you even start shopping, think about what you want to achieve through your training. Do you want to improve your boxing skills, increase your endurance, or strengthen your upper body, lose weight? Knowing your goals is a crucial launching point to start from to choose the right bag.

Type of bag: There are a ton of different types of punching bags, including heavy bags, speed bags, and double-end bags. Heavy bags are ideal for developing power and strength, while speed bags are great for improving hand-eye coordination and speed. Double-end bags are designed to improve timing and accuracy.

Size and weight: One size does not fit all in the case of punching bags. Heavy bags typically range from 60 to 150 pounds, while speed bags are much lighter, usually around 10 to 40 pounds. If you’re tight on space or looking to hone speed, go for a speed bag. Otherwise, opt for a full-sized hanging or standing bag ranging from 80 lb. – 150 lb., depending on your fitness level. Don’t be afraid to go heavy, as it doesn’t hurt to buy something that can grow with you.

Material: Quality punching bags are made of durable materials that can withstand regular use. Look for bags made of leather, vinyl, or synthetic materials that are reinforced with sturdy stitching. Nothing worse than a bag tear post-warranty period.

Adjustability: Some punching bags come with adjustable heights, which can be helpful for people who are sharing the bag with others or want to adjust the height as they progress in their training.

Additional features: Some punching bags come with additional features like target zones, hooks for attaching resistance bands, and padding for extra protection.

Return and warranty period: Return and warranty policies represent the manufacturer’s confidence in their product. With most home gym equipment manufacturers, the better the quality, the better the warranty. In the case that something goes wrong with your bench, it’s important to know your investment is protected, so look for benches that come with a 30-day money back return period and at least a 1-year warranty.

Price: Punching bags can range in price from under $50 to over $1,000, so it’s important to consider your budget when shopping. Consider the features and durability of the bag when making your decision.

This article was originally posted here.

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