11 Miles Morales Comics to Read After Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

We met many, many Spider-People throughout Into the Spider-Verse. But one of the most compelling appeared in the post-credit sequence, which shifts over to the year 2099, where a new Spider-Man (voiced by Oscar Isaac) looks with concern at the results of Miles’ adventure. Although that scene ends with a reference to the infamous Spider-Man pointing scene, it also sets up Across the Spider-Verse, in which Spider-Man 2099 serves as a major antagonist. We won’t spoil here why Miquel O’Hara, the Spider-Man of the year 2099, runs afoul of Miles, but even in that jokey post-credit sequence, it’s clear that he’s a formidable opponent.

Comic readers know Miquel O’Hara as the most successful (and possibly only successful) character from Marvel’s 2099 experiment, a series of books launched in 1994 that imagined the future of the universe. Written by the great Peter David and drawn by Rick Leonardi, the first Spider-Man 2099 storyline introduced Miquel as a scientist at the evil Alchemax Corporation, whose attempts to control its employee resulted in O’Hara gaining Spider-powers. Unlike his 20th-century predecessor, O’Hara has a decidedly more edgy take on the hero, complete with death’s head costume and talons on his fingers. But for all his frightening looks, no one would consider Spider-Man 2099 to be anything but a hero—well, no one except Miles Morales, that is.

This article was originally posted here.

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