This is Your Quick Training Tip, a chance to learn how to work smarter in just a few moments so you can get right to your workout.
When it comes to building muscle, the formula for success is fairly simple: Lift heavy, recover adequately, train consistently, and switch up your routine regularly. Do that, and you’ll start stretching the limits of your shirtsleeves and adding extra weight plates to your big lifts in no time. But if you’re serious about optimizing your results and realizing your full strength potential, you’ll also focus on another key metric that many guys miss: work capacity.
In the context of a training session, work capacity can be defined as the total amount of work (i.e., sets and reps) that you’re able to not only perform, but also recover from adequately and adapt to positively.
Why is that important? Because the more work you can do without increasing your risk of overtraining, the greater your gains will be, and the faster you’ll achieve your goals—or even blow past them.
Your move: The first step toward boosting your work capacity is to increase your training volume, which can be accomplished by increasing the number of sets and reps you perform, as well as the frequency and duration of your workouts. Monster sets and drop sets are both good strategies in this regard.
Stamina is another important factor when it comes to work capacity, so weaving more cardio into your weekly routine will also help. Either way, the key is to not overdo it—the goal isn’t to break yourself down at the expense of building yourself up.
By implementing these changes gradually, you’ll be able to grow your work capacity without compromising your recovery or elevating your risk of injury. And as your work capacity increases, so too will the pace and degree of your results.
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