Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Son Joseph Baena Shares His Arm Workout

Joseph Baena might look big now, but Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son didn’t alway follow in his father’s muscle-building footsteps. He only started seriously concentrating on lifting weights in college (after a successful high school swimming career)—and once he did, the gains came soon after.

“I was able to acquire a bodybuilding mentality—that I could shape my body however I want,” Baena told Men’s Health in an expansive cover story. The budding actor, now 24, was able to begin transforming himself through his diligence in the gym and adherence to the lessons his father shared with him (and the world) via his book, The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. “I made insane progress,” Baena says of his college years.

Now, Baena is focused on continuing to build himself up. According to the profile, his training plan consists of lots of sets, plenty of isolation moves, two hours, six days a week, plus 20 minutes of fasted cardio in the morning. “One of the big things I learned from Dad was not to have the ten-rep mentality,” Baena told MH. “It’s pushing yourself to the limits and going that extra mile, get- ting those extra reps and half reps till you’re basically dying.”

The 24-year-old takes all the advice he’s received from his father to heart when he hits the gym. When Joe Baena wants to pack muscle onto his arms, he goes old school, relying on classic bodybuilding exercises structured into pump-inducing supersets. Want to give it a shot in your own training? Do 4 sets of each of these pairings to blast your biceps and triceps

Superset 1


    Ben Mounsey-Wood

    Lie on a bench, a loaded EZ bar held directly above your shoulders with a shoulder-width grip. Bend only at the elbows and lower the bar toward your forehead. Pause, then press back up. That’s 1 rep; do 10. Then, without resting, do the next exercise.


      Ben Mounsey-Wood

      Lie on a bench, a loaded EZ bar held directly above your shoulders with a shoulder-width grip. Bend at the elbows and shoulders, lowering the bar toward the bottom of your chest and keeping your elbows close to your torso. Press back up. That’s 1 rep; do 10.

      Superset 2


        Ben Mounsey-Wood

        Stand near a cable pulley with a rope attachment. Grasp it and tighten your abs and glutes. Keeping your elbows close to your torso, curl the rope up, turning your palms to the ceiling as you do. Lower backdown. That’s 1 rep; do 10. Without resting, do the next move.


          Ben Mounsey-Wood

          Stand near a cable pulley with a rope attachment. Grasp both ends and tighten your abs and glutes, then pull it down until your forearms are parallel to the floor. This is the start. Flex your triceps, straightening your arms. Slowly return to the start. That’s 1 rep; do 10.

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