Blog · PUSH511 – Baltimore CrossFit Training

Chad and Michael are PUSH511’s September Members of the Month!

Chad and Michael have been members of the PUSH community for nearly a year and a half. In that time, they have become familiar faces in our early morning group CrossFit classes and we are always happy to see them! This is why our coaching team thought that they deserved to be our Members of the Month:

Michael & Chad are amazing human beings! They are always upbeat and ready to tackle any movements in a workout.  They love to learn and push themselves to learn more. They are amazing role models for their son, who is absolutely adorable. They understand that what they do inside the gym helps them outside the gym. Chad’s video of dragging a sled and holding a wall ball in the gym flowing into being on the beach holding his son and dragging a beach wagon is THE BEST video on how to apply CrossFit to everyday life. Truly embody the PUSH values of Help First – Positivity – Health. We are so thankful they joined PUSH511.

They are such a dynamic duo! I love having them in class! Michael is always so cheerful (and so are his shoes) and really makes everyone feel welcome. Michael has put in massive work, despite dealing with a shoulder injury. He always focuses on form before adding weight and is very smart about how far he can push himself in a workout. He’s learned how to listen to his body and can easily dial up or down his intensity when needed. Michael has such a strong work ethic that he exudes energy and makes others around him work harder. Chad has been working so hard on his lifts and has made some breakthroughs lately. He knows when to push his limits to get a great workout, and knows when to back off to dial in his form. Love having both Michael & Chad in class, although it’s even better when they’re in class together!

Chad and Michael… so much to say but I guess I should put it in a reel, right? #promocodedoublethedadjokes But for real, I love having their energy in class and am so happy they joined the gym. They always come in with a smile and keep the positivity flowing. Very well deserved!

As a fellow 6am’er and coach, I’ve really enjoyed watching Chad develop as an athlete and slowly improve on the things he used to curse about when it showed up. Every once in a while I’ll quip, “remember when you couldn’t do those?” I’m really glad he understands that the fitness and function aspect to CrossFit is a process, and he’s been taking that process head-on. Michael, He’s one heck of a beast in the gym. They’re both adorable fathers together and showing their young child what it means to be happy and healthy. I truly admire them and look forward to seeing more growth!

Chad and Michael are just all around good people. Chad is a consistent early bird who has consistently improved during his time! It’s been a pleasure watching him grow and getting to enjoy his low key wit and humor amongst a pretty outgoing group. Michael occasionally pops in for morning classes and I am pretty sure he just has endless amounts of energy! He has grown so much as well and it’s just so fun to see them work hard, have fun, and just be a joy to be around!

Michael and Chad are some of my favorite humans. Michael is almost religiously on time every day and ready to go and ALWAYS brings the energy. If he’s ever had a bad day, I could never tell. These two dads are just the nicest freaking humans and both care about moving well. They’ve been such a great addition to our community, I just wish we could have stumbled across them sooner!

When it comes to representing what our community brings and the benefits of fitness at PUSH, Chad & Michael are perfect examples of that. They’re both always early and prepared to go. It’s always a fun time having them around. And I’m here for Double the Dad Jokes!

Chad and Michael are amazing! They are the total package when it comes to being positive members of the community. From being amazing dads, to wonderful hard-working athletes, they always show up to class with a smile and ready to put in the work. Love getting to know them and to see how far they’ve come as athletes in their time with us so far!

Now, let’s get to know our Members of the Month!

When did you start CrossFit? March 2022

What’s your fitness background? We have run more than 30 half marathons and a couple of full marathons over the past couple of years. Otherwise, spin and yoga. This is the first time either of us has ever done any sort of weightlifting!

What’s your favorite CrossFit movement?

  • Chad: Toes-to-rings
  • Michael Box jump overs

What’s your least favorite movement?

  • In Unison: Overhead squats

What do you do for work?

  • Chad: I am the Senior Director of Academic Projects at the University of Maryland Global Campus. I’m essentially the Chief of Staff for the dean of one of the schools.
  • Michael: I am the Visual Merchandizing Lead for North America DTC Retail at Under Armour. Basically, I make sure every store you go in looks the same across the country.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family. We met in 2009 while living in Tampa. We moved to Baltimore most recently in 2018. We’ve been married for nearly 8 years and had our son, Keaton, in 2021. Before Keaton, we loved to travel to new countries and try new restaurants much more than we’re able to now. These days, we’re hitting up Dypski, Patterson Park, and Mahaffey’s kid corner. We also have a Frenchie named Maisy – who is, and always has been – the main queen of our household.

Tell us something we don’t know about you!

  • Chad: I have a PhD in education.
  • Michael: I was born on a Naval Base in Japan and moved to Ohio when I was 9. And no, I can’t speak Japanese.

How has CrossFit affected your life outside the gym?

  • Chad: It has given me a boost of confidence in my relationships and work. I am relieved of a lot of anxiety because my stress seems to be lower. I can focus more deeply as well as think about what I want to do to become stronger and better the next day!
  • Michael: It has motivated me to live a healthier life so I can be a more active and energetic example for our son.

What do you enjoy most about PUSH?

  • Chad & Michael: The supportive coaches and community.

What tips would you offer someone who is just getting started with working out?

  • Chad: Just start. Come in and try. Listen to the coaches and your body, but also push yourself outside your comfort zone. The coaches are there to ensure you’re doing everything safely and responsibly. Take their feedback and keep evolving. You’ll get stronger every single day.
  • Michael: Everyone must start somewhere. Don’t be intimidated because everyone in the room wants you to succeed. Also, listen to your husband when he suggests you start CrossFit.

What’s your favorite song to work out to?

  • Chad: You’re Gonna Go Far Kid
  • Michael: Unholy

What’s your favorite restaurant?

  • Chad: Sotto Sopra
  • Michael: Duck Duck Goose

Who’s your hero (real or fictional)?

  • Chad: My longtime friend and our surrogate, Karen.
  • Michael: Michael Scott.

What does your frequently used emoji tab look like?

Chad Frequently Used Emojis

Michael Frequently Used Emojis

Words to live by or favorite quote?

  • Chad: Well, Charlize Theron (to each their own)
  • Michael: “‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take’ -Wayne Gretzy. –Michael Scott”

What’s your favorite travel spot?

  • Chad: Napa Valley
  • Michael: Walt Disney World

If you could win an Olympic gold medal for any sport, real or fake, what would it be?

  • Chad: Having the most obsession with my hair
  • Michael: Procrastination. Also acceptable, Flonkerton

What’s your hidden talent?

  • Chad: I can’t whistle.
  • Michael: I’m basically a human jukebox and have the ability to name (and sing) any song.

What are your top five favorite movies?


  1. Forrest Gump
  2. Sister Act
  3. The Shawshank Redemption
  4. Beetlejuice
  5. Clueless


  1. Titanic
  2. The Devil Wears Prada
  3. Harry Potter – all
  4. Star Wars – all
  5. The Birdcage

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