Welcome to The MH Gear Report, where Men’s Health’s gear and tech experts find the coolest new releases of the month in home goods, gear, technology, and more.
KEEPING TABS on all the latest gear and tech releases can put one in a constant state of scrolling and refreshing. Of course, the brands we hold near and dear to our hearts always get attention first, but even then, it seems new releases slip past our attention (even worse is when we spot something cool only to find out it sold out). And what about the brands we have yet to learn about?
The editors and writer of Men’s Health have chosen to start a new franchise highlighting the cool and exciting things happening outside of the
best new menswear releases. We will cover all the latest releases happening in the outdoor space, men’s accessories (like sunglasses, guys can never have too many pairs of sunglasses), home goods, travel gadgets, and all things tech. The aim? First, to bring awareness to all the innovation happening in the industry, and second, to hopefully help you find something that’s going to improve your life in some form or fashion.
Without further ado, here are our favorite new tech and gear releases of the past month.
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