Father of 12 Nick Cannon Is Pursuing a Degree in Child Psychology

Nick Cannon has 12 children with six different mothers, and he wants to be the best dad he possibly can to all of them. Which is why he’s going back to school to study child development and psychology. In a recent conversation on the Languages of Love podcast with Dr. Laura Berman, Cannon revealed that he is in the process of pursuing his Masters degree.

“From 2016 to 2020 I went and got my degree in criminology from Howard University,” he said, explaining that at the time, he wanted to lead by example and demonstrate to his children the importance of education.

“That was interesting. So now, in the same sense, I was already going to get a Masters in Psychology and a PhD in Divinity, because religion is something I’m super intrigued by, and I was doing the work already, so then I shifted. Instead of just a Masters in Psychology, now it’s more in Child Psychology.”


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Cannon, who has been open about how going to therapy himself has helped him be a better father to his 12 children, went on to describe how he believes his day-to-day experiences as a dad make him more than qualified for this kind of academic undertaking.

“I’m in that conversation every day,” he said. “The presence of a father, and how much will they need you, and the Freudian aspect of reverting back to your childhood trauma, or the lack thereof, and nature vs nurture. These are conversations I have several times every single day… Whether in therapy on my own, or even just wanting to make sure that every single child has what they need developmentally and emotionally.”

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Philip Ellis is a freelance writer and journalist from the United Kingdom covering pop culture, relationships and LGBTQ+ issues. His work has appeared in GQ, Teen Vogue, Man Repeller and MTV.

This article was originally posted here.

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