Heartstopper star wants to be first trans Bond girl

Heartstopper star Yasmin Finney shot to stardom through her role in Netflix’s LGBTQ+ teen drama, and immediately followed that up by being cast in Doctor Who as a new character called Rose, who is rumored to be Donna Noble’s daughter and confirmed as trans.

Looking forward, the actress would love to take her rising star one step further and be cast as the first trans Bond girl.

“I would love to be a trans Bond girl or just a Bond girl in general. I love James Bond,” she told The Mirror. “Every time I watch a Bond film, I think I would love to be that cool, sexy Bond girl that has never been done before.”

heartstopper's yasmin finney

Kate Green/StringerGetty Images

Finney referenced Caroline Cossey, a trans woman who worked as a model and appeared as an extra in 1981’s For Your Eyes Only. Following her appearance in the film, a newspaper publicly revealed Cossey’s sexuality, which led her to tell her story in two memoirs and fight for rights in a high-profile court case.

“Shoutout to Caroline,” Finney added. “She has inspired me in a way to be the positive representation that James Bond never had. There are people in the industry that were transphobic, but now they aren’t because of the way things are changing. I’d rather not fight it and be a part of it.

“I feel so honored to be seen as a queer person in general and to be here on the stage is a step forward to opening doors for other trans people in the industry.”

yasmin finney, heartstopper


The actress also revealed that Spectre theme song performer Sam Smith followed her on social media, so there’s already a connection.

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