Home Remedies to Keep a Man Hard

potency and men's health a man in white jeans, legs apart, holds a banana near the genitals pink background close up of hands

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Struggling to get (or stay) hard in the bedroom? You and a whole lot of other penis-owners. About 30 million men in the United States struggle with erectile dysfunction, according to the National Institutes of Health, so it’s not a rare affliction by any means.

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the inability to get or sustain an erection, according to urologist Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD. It can be a temporary or chronic condition. There are multiple reasons why ED can occur, including stress, aging, anxiety over sexual performance, and lifestyle habits; recent research has even pointed to a link between Covid-19 and erectile dysfunction. While it can feel like the end of the world when your penis doesn’t behave the way you want it to, thankfully, there are a number of treatments available to you—including a few home remedies.

There are home remedies to help me stay hard?

Yes—but before we go there, let’s get one thing straight: Brahmbhatt recommends Viagra (or its generic name Sildenafil) as the best medical option to treat ED, whether your issues are temporary or long-term. Besides relaxing your blood vessels to allow you to get an erection, the little blue pill may also give you a confidence boost if your ED is linked to performance anxiety.

Speaking of medication, Brahmbhatt recommends talking with your doctor to see if your other prescriptions—such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications—are contributing to your ED. Although adjusting your meds isn’t a home remedy, your doctor may be able to tweak your prescriptions so you can stay healthy and keep up your ideal sex life.

But we know it can feel embarrassing to talk to your doctor about your sex life and your penis, which seems like a part of your body that should always work. It’s no surprise a lot of guys are curious about home remedies to stay hard during sex.

“If you want to self-treat and try it out for a little bit, I can’t judge you,” Brahmbhatt says. “But if it becomes a persistent thing, then you should really go get it checked, because there could be something going on inside.” (ED can be a sign of a number of ailments, according to the Mayo Clinic, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.)

If you’re not ready to go to a doctor just yet, Brahmbhatt has a couple of at-home fixes you can try.

Make sure you’re living a healthy lifestyle.

Getting exercise, improving your diet, and potentially removing excess fat, can improve the quality of your erection, according to Brahmbhatt. Studies show that regular exercise is linked to decreased chances of erectile dysfunction and improved prostate health in men. Simply put, “Get up off the couch and throw that beer away,” Brahmbhatt says.

Cut back on the booze.

Speaking of alcohol, you’ve probably heard of “whiskey dick,” the unfortunate phenomenon where too much alcohol blunts the brain and keeps you from getting or sustaining an erection. Excessive alcohol use can also decrease testosterone, which may make it harder to solve your ED. So drink in moderation.

Manage your stress and mental health.

If you’re relatively healthy, Brahmbhatt recommends considering if there are any psychological stressors preventing an erection. When you’re frustrated about work, your relationship, or your personal life, it can impact your ability to get an erection, because stress in other parts of your life can contribute to low libido.

According to Very Well Health, stress triggers the release of various hormones including cortisol, which can decrease your body’s interest in sex. So even if your mind is in the game, your body may be telling you to deal with whatever’s bothering you first.

It’s also well-documented your mental health can make it more difficult to get and sustain an erection. Finding treatment through self-care, therapy, or medication can decrease your stress levels and keep you from going soft when you really want to be ready for action.

Don’t trust vitamins and supplements that claim to boost your erection.

Although a quick Google search may list vitamins and supplements you can take to try to keep an erection, Brahmbhatt doesn’t recommend trying any non-FDA approved substances. He says the science behind many of these products is dubious, and may interact poorly with other medications you may be taking.

Try something new in your sex life—like a cock ring.

For some of us, having sex in the same position at the same pace every time can get boring after a while. That’s why it’s important to switch things up on occasion. Exploring kinks and fantasies could be what you need to sustain your erection. If you’re game to try a sex toy, consider a cock ring. Cock rings, or penis rings, are devices that fit around the base of your penis, trapping blood in your shaft and helping you stay hard.

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