How to Keep Your Houseplants Alive, According to Experts

Plants, like people, get sick when neglected. Diagnose what’s happening, then treat it.

The Problem: Bright-Yellow Leaves

The Fix: Stop watering your plant so much. It’s better to water it less and give it more light.“If your leaf turns yellow, that leaf is dead. It’s not coming back,” Carter says. Just trim it off so energy goes to the healthier parts of the plant.

The Problem: Dark-Brown Edges Around the Leaves

The Fix: Now you aren’t watering it enough. “If it starts to curl up or droop, you need to water it right away,” Carter says.

The Problem: Um, It’s Dying?

The Fix: Try a different pot. For plants like ferns that dislike dry soil, stick to metal and glazed pots, which retain moisture. If your plant prefers to stay dry (like succulents do), opt for pots made of clay or stone, which pull moisture away from soil faster.

Read more: Best Indoor Plants

This article was originally posted here.

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