How to Speed Up Recovery

handsome young man feeling the pain in shoulder at the gym

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We all secretly love sore muscles. It can be proof you put in serious work at the gym, and your body is feeling it. But some muscle soreness isn’t simply due to lactic acid buildup — it’s a sign you straight-up sent your muscles into shock, and that’s no good.

“The significant muscle soreness that typically occurs hours after activity, usually 24 to 48 hours after activity, is referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS,” Christopher Hogrefe, M.D., FACEP, sports medicine and emergency medicine specialist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, told Men’s Health. “This condition has little, if anything, to do with lactic acidosis. Instead, it appears to be the result of small tears in muscle fiber that combine with an inflammatory process to result in pain.”


You’ll notice this type of soreness after more challenging or unfamiliar exercise. “Activities that involve muscle and tendon lengthening while a person simultaneously tries to contract the muscle, Squats and running downhill, are examples of such exercises,” says Hogrefe.

So what are the symptoms of DOMS? “Muscle soreness, lack of strength, decrease in the speed of muscle contractility, and muscle stiffness are all symptoms of DOMS,” says Katie Lawton, an exercise physiologist in Rehabilitation and Sports Therapy at the Cleveland Clinic. “DOMS can decrease the speed of muscle contractility by 5-8% and change joint mobility.”

Don’t let DOMS get you down. If your body needs a little more help with recovery, try one of these tips to get rid of sore muscles.

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Do an active cooldown.

Spending some time cooling down makes your muscles recovery-ready. A 2018 study on active recovery found that runners who spent time at a 50% decrease in activity at the end of their workout (instead of resting completely) were able to go three times longer the second time they ran. The researchers believe it had to do with better blood flow, which reduced blood lactate (the metabolic byproduct that makes your muscles sore).

“So many products that are sold touting the ability flush from the blood or remove waste products from the muscles, but the way you actually do that is through circulation, or your blood moving,” says Christie Aschwanden, author of GOOD TO GO: What the Athlete in All of Us Can Learn from the Strange Science of Recovery and co-host of the Emerging Form podcast.


Drink some tart cherry juice.

Tart cherry juice is loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. A 2020 study found that long distance runners who drank tart cherry juice for eight days reported decreased muscle pain.

“Much like mushrooms, the anti-inflammatory properties in cherries may be beneficial in decreasing muscle soreness. However, particularly in the case of tart cherry extract, one should be aware of the significant sugar content that could be present,” says Hogrefe.


Get a massage.

It may seem obvious, but massages really do help get rid of sore muscles. A 2012 study found that a post-exercise massage significantly reduces pain by reducing the release of cytokines, compounds that cause inflammation in the body. At the same time, massage stimulated mitochondria in cells, promoting cell function and repair.

“If there’s one recovery technique that is most popular among athletes, it’s massage, but all of that being said, the scientific evidence for whether it works or is doing something meaningful from a physiological perspective is pretty slim,” Aschwanden says. “But what makes massage really helpful is that it feels good and is a way of setting aside some time to relax and check in with your body and how you’re feeling during a little downtime.”


Use a heating pad.

You may have long heard that an ice bath is the best way to recover from a long run, but experts say to skip cold therapy and opt for something warm and comforting.”The idea behind heating pads is that they increase blood flow because it is a vasodilator (opens up your blood vessels), and is thought that it could help flush some of the byproducts or inflammation related to muscle soreness out of the muscles,” says Lawton.

“Heating pads can feel good, which can be helpful for recovery, because oftentimes what you need for recovery is just time to relax,” Aschwanden adds. “Heat also increases circulation, so that can be helpful to reach those areas where you do have waste products [to flush out].”


Use a foam roller.

Foam rolling on sore muscles can make grown men cry, but it seriously helps repair your muscles. “It has been suggested that foam rolling may decrease edema (or swelling in the muscles) and enhance tissue healing,” says Hogrefe.

A 2021 study found that 20 minutes of foam rolling on a high-density foam roller immediately following exercise and 24 hours after may reduce muscle tenderness and decrease the impact on one’s dynamic movements. Don’t have one? Check out our best foam roller picks.


Try compression gear.

It’s not just to show off all the work you’ve put in. A 2017 study found that compression gear reduced muscle soreness and made muscle recovery faster due to constricting your muscles and preventing fluid buildup post-workout while increasing blood flow. This helped remove an enzyme in your muscles called creatine kinase, which can cause ache.

“Compression gear can potentially help aid with circulation, but no athlete that I know has poor circulation and the best way to increase your circulation is to do a cool-down or some light exercises,” Aschwanden says. “But the thing about compression gear is that compression gear is that it can feel good, and what it comes down to is that one of the most important parts of recovery is just giving your body the chance to feel good and relax and if wearing compression gear helps you feel better, that can be worth doing even if there isn’t a physiological reason for it.”



It sounds simple, but hitting the sack can often be exactly what your sore muscles need. The direct scientific link between sleep and post-exercise recovery remains somewhat fuzzy, although it could be strongly argued that that’s because sleep involves a multitude of physiological functions that aren’t always easy to clearly define and separate. We do know, however, that a lack of sleep can contribute to higher levels of inflammation. Inflammation may not be a factor in DOMS in particular, but it does contribute to some muscle soreness — and getting serious rest can help alleviate that.

“Sleep is the most effective way to improve recovery – a lot of pro athletes are big nappers,” Aschwanden says. “It’s really important to prioritize sleep because sleep is really when your body does the hard work of recovery. If you’re spending a lot of money on things like a massage gun and tart cherry juice but are only getting six hours of sleep a night, you’re really shooting yourself in the foot.”


Eat antioxidants and protein frequently in the next 24 hours.

Your post-lift protein shake does more than just refuel your muscles. A 2017 study found that protein aided in the recovery of muscle function in the 24 hours following a workout filled with eccentric contractions (which generally happen in most strength-based workouts). And adding antioxidants to that meal improved the recovery from those workouts even more. So aim to load up on protein (think chicken or fish) and antioxidant-rich foods (think pomegranates and kale) in the hours after a tough workout, and watch your recovery times drop.

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