In an effort to curb bigotry against mutantkind, the Avengers and the X-Men formed a collaboration portrayed in Uncanny Avengers, led by longtime Avenger Wasp and the X-Man Havok. But for all the good the unity team achieved, it also meant that the heroes had to battle the heavy hitter bad guys of both teams. In the Avenge the Earth storyline, those big bads included Apocalypse, the first mutant, and, of course, Kang the Conqueror. In a future dominated by mutants under Apocalypse’s rule, the Wasp must fight to set things right, which forces her into uneasy alliance with Kang.
By mixing the X-Men into the story, Uncanny Avengers heightens the stakes even more than the standard Kang story. Leading a group called the Chronos Corps, Kang has with him a fantastic group of alternate universe characters, including Tony Stark’s brother Arno Stark as Iron Man, Peter and Mary Jane Parker’s daughter May as Venom, and, of course, Victor Von Doom. Told with dark imagination and surprising humanity by Rick Remender, with dream-like art from Daniel Acuña, Avenge the Earth fully reveals the threat, and promise, that Kang offers the Marvel Universe.
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