The 11 Best Home Power Racks for 2023—Best Home Power Cages

Barbell exercises are an effective way to workout while progressively challenging yourself. Yeah, you can lift a barbell at home without a power rack, but when it comes to lifting safely without a human spotter, we highly recommend using it.

It is not a substitute for a human spot on your heaviest lifts, though (that’s how injuries happen!), but it does offer you security you might not have otherwise. And the right power rack can also set you up to do pull-ups, hanging abs movements, and much more. Especially in this era when racks are expandable and have added attachments that can push you farther.

As our Fitness Director Ebenezer Samuel puts it, “This is the centerpiece of your home gym and it insures you’re pushing yourself with leg training.”

With a home power rack, you can have access to more weight and versatility compared to dumbbells and other home-gym accessories combined, allowing you to progress your lifts without scrambling to find heavier dumbbells or compound movements.

Many power racks offer a selection of accessories that allow you to perform additional strength training exercises straight from the rack. These add-ons will cost you in addition to the cage itself, but if you want to get the most out of your home gym investment, you’ll use a good power rack in a variety of ways.

This article was originally posted here.

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