The 13 Best Clarifying Shampoos for Men in 2023, Tested by Grooming Editors

The 13 Best Clarifying Shampoos for Men in 2023, Tested by Grooming Editors

<p>If you don’t want to wash your hair every day, but you suffer from scalp problems or excess oil, a clarifying shampoo is your best solution. Most of these shampoos are intended to be used a couple of times a week (or even just once) and cleanse deeper than your typical daily shampoo to help remove buildup from dirt, oil and styling products from your scalp and hair. Think of them as taking your car to the carwash versus doing it yourself.<strong> Clarifying shampoos help to reset your hair to help it look shinier and healthier.</strong> We prefer to use them on Sundays to get our scalp and hair ready for a busy week of styling and stress ahead. The thing is, though, not all clarifying shampoos are created equal. Choose one that’s designed for your hair type and lifestyle to avoid over cleansing your hair which can lead to dryness, frizziness and <a href=”” target=”_blank”>itchy scalp problems</a>. Not sure which to use? Start with this list of the best clarifying shampoos (seriously, we’ve tried hundreds) and get ready for the cleanest hair of your life.</p><p><strong><a href=”” target=”_blank”>Best Shampoos for Men</a> | <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Best Hair Growth Shampoos</a> | <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Best Scalp Treatments</a> | <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Best Scalp Scrubs</a></strong></p>” />

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