This Outdoor Lunge Partner Workout Builds Explosive Leg Power

Get over your lunge phobia. We promise they can be fun—especially when you pair up with a gym buddy and do ‘em outdoors.

Today, Men’s Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. and Women’s Health editor-in-chief Liz Plosser do just that in a quick workout with two different types of lunges in New York City’s Central Park.

“So the first one is a walking lunge to jump lunge,” says Samuel. “Just gets us a little bit explosive, and it was super fun, kind of trying to time it up and kind of get in rhythm with you on that.” Plosser notes that there were a few challenging components to this exercise, mainly balance and staying in sync with your partner.

The move requires no fancy equipment, “just find 10, 15 meters of space… walk and jump, back and forth,” says Samuel. Do two sets to a side. Next up, Samuel and Plosser tackled a Spiderman lunge variation.

“It got us a whole ton of hip mobility. You feel your lat opening as we kind of go into that hip circle. So, it was a nice, easy mobilization,” says Samuel. “As I pushed into my forward leg, I really felt my hips opening up, but I felt awesome afterwards,” adds Plosser.

For this exercise, do 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off on each side. Watch the video above to see how each move is done.

“It’s a super easy leg workout, that builds strength, athleticism, and has you feeling great at the end,” says Samuel. So much so, you might even wanna take a water break and crank out round two.

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