Watch Nick Symmonds Race Lorenzo Alexander to See Who’s Faster

In his most recent training video on YouTube, Olympic medalist and former pro runner Nick Symmonds got absolutely dominated in the NFL Combine by Pro Bowl MVP Lorenzo Alexander. In an attempt to save face, Symmonds invites Alexander onto his turf in a new video, challenging the retired linebacker to a 100-meter sprint.

“Although I specialized in the 800 meters and the mile, I can still throw down a mean 100,” says Symmonds. Each of their runs are measured by a JAWKU system in order to attain the most accurate results as possible.

Alexander goes first, hitting the 100-meter mark in 13.1 seconds. “That’s a long run,” he says. “That might have been all I had.”

Symmonds believes “100 percent” that he can beat Alexander’s time of 13.1, although he admits that he hasn’t done any sprinting in a long time. “I’ve been powerlifting the last few months,” he says. “I’m carrying around an extra 10 pounds of weight.” He turns out to be right, finishing his sprint in 12.44.

“I’m very sore,” he laughs afterwards. I think I pulled a hammy.”

Next up, they take on the 100 meters in a side-by-side foot race, and Symmonds finally is able to redeem himself after that Combine performance, beating Alexander’s 12.48 with a time of 12.36 seconds.

“He had me through 98 meters,” he says. “A couple of old guys, we’ve still got it, we’re staying fit!”

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