What to Do About a Lingering Cough After Covid

If you’ve been unlucky enough to have come down with a Covid-19 infection (or more than one), you likely know at this point that you’re far from alone. Hopefully you’re fully vaccinated and ended up with a mild case with minor symptoms. But if you’ve had a lingering cough, chances are you may feel a bit concerned about it and the possibility of experiencing long Covid.

According to Suneet Singh, M.D., an emergency medicine physician and medical director at CareHive Health in Austin, Texas, research in May 2021 showed that a Covid-related cough tends to appear as early as one day into your infection and typically persists for up to 19 days.

For 5% of people, the cough may hang around for more than four weeks.

Previously reported by Men’s Health, the most common symptoms of earlier infection strains included cough, fever, intense muscle aches, a loss of taste or smell. In very severe cases, as well as chest pressure and shortness of breath in severe cases. A cough can be one of the most annoying ones to try to decipher because it could be anything from a cold to the flu to a simple sore throat on its own. So how can you differentiate it?

“The cough that comes with COVID is generally dry and should eventually heal itself,” he says. “The irritation in the airways will resolve after the infection and the cascade of inflammation it creates has cleared.”

Here’s what you need to know about how to treat a lingering cough after having Covid.

How to stop a lingering cough after Covid

The good news is that, when recovering from Covid and treating a lingering cough, over-the-counter medications such as cough suppressants and throat lozenges can be helpful. Herbal remedies such as teas can also help to reduce your symptoms, similarly to when you’re dealing with a cold or flu.

When to see a doctor about a lingering cough after Covid

If you’ve experienced any Covid symptoms for more than four weeks, including a lingering cough, breathing problems, or anything else so severe that it limits the quality of your life, you should seek medical attention, Dr. Singh says. Lingering symptoms may be a sign that you’re experiencing long Covid, in which you experience symptoms and long-term effects of a Covid-19 infection for an extended period of time.

“With the rise in telemedicine, seeing a provider has never been easier,” he says. “Based on your evaluation, they may choose to order prescription medications to suppress the cough, reduce inflammation, or open up the airways. Based on your individual circumstances, they may choose to obtain an X-ray of your chest as well.”

The bottom line: If you’re feeling unwell, do your best to avoid exposing others as you try to recover. It’s also key to highlight that you’re less likely to experience short-term and long-term symptoms or require hospitalization for a Covid-19 infection if you’re fully vaccinated and boosted. So if you’ve still held out on getting your vaccine, make your first appointment today and make sure to complete the full series.

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