Yankee Giancarlo Stanton Showed Off a Challenging Lunge Variation

Training laterally is essential for the kind of movement that New York Yankee Giancarlo Stanton is doing out on the diamond, and for athletes in pretty much any sport more generally. In a recent video on Instagram, Stanton’s trainer Ben Bruno shared one of the more advanced exercise variations which helps the outfielder work his frontal plane of movement while also really torching the lower body: a slide board lateral lunge which incorporates additional resistance via a band.

“In a regular lateral lunge, that moving leg is essentially unloaded, but a band adds challenge to both the eccentric and concentric,” says Bruno in his video commentary, “which for athletes like Giancarlo Stanton is great for injury prevention against groin strains.”

The Instagram clip also includes footage of one of Bruno’s other famous clients trying out the exercise: comedian and TV host Chelsea Handler, who feeds Bruno some tongue-in-cheek lines about the other benefits of this particular lunge variation.

“A lot of women say that inner thighs are their trouble spot, and this band gives them a good burn in that area, which makes them like the exercise better,” he deadpans, noting that Handler asked him to film her performing the move from both the front and the back.

“Based on the transparency of these pants, she might be starting an OnlyFans,” he adds, before finally demonstrating the move and concluding that the sliding lateral lunge is also great for “washed up Uncle Ricos” like himself. (That said, this is definitely not one for beginners.)

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